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Araceae, Spathiphyllum -

Peace lilies have a bushy growth habit -- each leaf will pop out of the petiole of the previous leaf on that stem, grow, and then sprout the next one. It will also form offsets fairly frequently -- these will appear as new leaves growing out of the substrate, and will grow into their own thick stem and bunch of leaves over time!

The Domino peace lily, in particular, has a ton of white flecks across its broad, strap-like leaves -- it creates almost a marbled effect.

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Araceae, Philodendron -

The Red Sun Philodendron is a compact, "self-heading" philodendron -- it doesn't vine or climb, but instead grows a very compact stem. It gets its name from the bright red of new leaves -- though it only comes out properly if you have it in bright enough light.

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Anthurium, Araceae -

There are over 1000 species in the Anthurium genus -- but this one is the most common one in cultivation by far! If someone is talking about 'an anthurium', without specifying another species or variety... they're almost definitely talking about this guy right here. 

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Araceae, Scindapsus -

Scindapsus Exotica is a cultivar of Scindapsus pictus with large, boldly-patterned leaves on thick vines. In the right growing conditions, this is a fairly fast grower, but in suboptimal conditions, growth will slow to a crawl, and leaves will come out small. Exotica looks stunning spilling over the sides of a pot in a tangle -- though I personally think the hanging baskets are best left to its smaller-leaved siblings!

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Araceae, Epipremnum -

The silvery-blue leaves of the Cebu Blue catch the light in amazing ways. A close relative of the standard pothos varieties, Cebu Blue is a fairly fast-growing vine that looks stunning spilling over the sides of a hanging basket or climbing up a trellis. Like all aroids, it's mildly toxic if ingested.

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